Friday, July 4, 2008

The weight of a feather. . .

. . . cannot tip a decision. We knew all along what was right for us to do. We just didn't listen!
Living on the finges of activity is a choice we can make. Always holding back, rather than becoming fully intimate with another is a choice we can make. It seems that there is a direct connection between creative thought and involvement in life. . .
The blanket is heavy, but my feet are light. As I float in a new direction.
As a friend said, "play the flute while you float"

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Summer inspiration

this is a photo that my mom took of her tranquil backyard garden.
I just had to share it.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Full moon driving

I love to take pictures while driving in the car.
The white circle is the full moon looking small even though it was gigantic!