I was told by an astrologer once that i would battle between my two sides.
one: the big bad side of loving lovely material things
two: the what do we need material things for ? side that likes to ask why of everything
At this moment in my life I have come to a comfortable place in my daily routine. My little store is balanced and running well. I love to merchandise it, even clean it most of the time, but it has never been about selling items to people. It has always been about the love of lovely little things, beautiful colours, textures, designs and the amazing warm and lovely people and their children that like to appreciate things with me and talk about love, life, womanhood ,partners, children.
BUT as much as I love my comfortable life and the difficulties that come with it. I would love to put it on hold for a while. What would i do ? I would finally pack up and go learn to build a cob/ earthship home, travel, read books, sit and stare at a view, drink tea, listen to music and paint paint paint.
With the idea that right now would have marked that last day on earth or earth as we knew it. I have been thinking a lot about what i would like to change ( as i also dream about those $300 shoes i have had my eye on for over a year and that new fancy smart phone that comes with a drawing pen - lol )
I am tired of media bullshit, materialism, drug commercials and magazines about what kate middleton is doing. Move to the country then stupid city loving girl !!!!!
What is that 70's song ? "Blow Up Your TV, throw away your paper Go to the country, build you a home
Plant a little garden, eat a lot of peaches Try and find Jesus on your own."
I can hear my dad singing the song right now.
Well for now, if the world continues in the morning, i will continue to breathe in the moments that i cherished tonight. Tucking my son in at night, talking and giggling and cuddling. Drinking warm tea while listening to an amazing song and writing on the internet. Watching my boyfriend sleep through the news on the couch and then getting cozy in the white sheets. In the morning i will go to the gym and work my ass off, talk with my mom and dad on the phone, talk with the lovely ladies at work, meet my boys in the afternoon, eat shortbread at a christmas party . . . take one day at a time and enjoy it !
A quote i found today : The Western way of life, and the worship of material goods, progress, and capitalism, has accelerated its way headfirst into battles and wars for hundreds of years. Hopefully, our race will eventually elevate itself to a new era of understanding - one where we find ourselves to be more introspective, and spending our time pondering not only the bigger questions of life - but the smaller ones as well. Spending more quality time with our loved ones, and enjoying the moments. Because we feel there will be many more to come.