Monday, December 8, 2014

January light

curious what the light and darkness of January will bring to me, what I will bring to myself, what I will allow and not allow, what I will search for, what will find me...

"Maybe January light will consume
My heart with its cruel
Ray, stealing my key to true calm."
pablo neruda

Thursday, December 4, 2014

It's not hard to fall

How is it possible that with newspapers, 4 gmail accounts, 4 facebook pages, 2 twitter feeds, 2 instagram profiles, linkdin, and more ! I FEEL OUT OF TOUCH ! HOw is it possible that Damien Rice tickets went on sale without my knowledge ? Hmmmmm... perhaps I have too many emails to stay on top of and accounts to update and the social media accounts and all of those that I like and follow actually distract me instead of keeping me informed.  I wish I could stop the madness and just walk to the mailbox. Well Santa, baby, this year for Christmas I would like a ticket to see Damien Rice at the Greek Theatre in California. And YES i have been a good girl all year !